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5 Techniques to Improve Speed for IIT JEE exam.

Added: (Thu Jun 23 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Speed ​​and technique are the two key requirements for every competitive exam that follows the MCQ pattern. And SSC CGL exam is not an exception. Students struggle to manage their speed and solve almost every question with accuracy. But unfortunately, only a few who know the exact technique to solve the answers in no time, crack the exam with high ranks.

Thus, it can be stated that calculation skills or the technique to answer the question paper matters a lot. Unless a student is using the right technique for solving questions, he or she will be leaving behind witnessing others' victory.

IIT coaching in Delhi and other coaching institutes strongly focus on these things. That's why they come up with different short tricks to solve each answer with ease and accuracy. Apart from using short tricks, there are some other ways that facilitate the aspirants in their exam. Let's unfold them wisely.

5 Techniques that Can Improve Speed ​​in IIT JEE exam

1. Read the Question Carefully: IIT JEE exam is a computer-based exam with a duration of 3 hours each for Paper I and Paper II. Within this 3 hours, a student has to solve the entire question paper maintaining the accuracy to score good marks. But for this, he or she has to read the question thoroughly. Spending enough time on reading a single question is not a good idea.

2. Avoid the Complex questions: To confuse the aspirants and to make the paper difficult, question makers often produce difficult complex questions. Instead of getting perplexed in such a situation, it is good to avoid them and invest time on other questions.

3. Don't spend more time on a single question: Spending enough time on a single question is a common mistake made by the aspirants. Intending to solve every question on the paper, they take stress and spend more time solving a question. This should be avoided or should be postponed for the last moment.

4. Solve your strong areas first: Every student has a strong area and a weak area. Recognizing the strong areas and trying them first is again a good technique to improve speed and solve with accuracy.

5. Use the shortcut tricks: Every problem no matter how complex it can be solved easily using shortcut methods. The aspirants may take help from the coaching institutes to be the master of short tricks. Seeking their guidance and learning unique techniques help the aspirants to solve the toughest question in the exam.

6. Practice by giving mock tests: One of the finest ways to improve speed and accuracy is practice. Giving mock tests regularly is a key to scoring good marks in the competitive exam.

A good score comes with good speed and accuracy. Good speed comes with the right technique. Hence it is worth focusing on the technique of solving the answers with pace and accuracy. Perhaps the best IIT coaching in Delhi, in this case, will help the aspirants to crack their exam with high ranks.

The primary way to crack any competitive exam is by improving the speed of solving a question. The best IIT coaching in Delhi teaches exclusive techniques to solve the question with speed and accuracy.

Speed ​​with accuracy matters a lot in IIT JEE exam. The faster the candidate is in solving answers, the better is the score. Best IIT coaching instituted in Delhi unfolds the 6 best tricks to improve speed.

Submitted by:Excel SSC Coaching
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