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Thieves And Scammers Con Desperate Hospitals Out Of Millions.

Added: (Sun Apr 10 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - It’s everywhere you look on the internet. "Millions scammed from American Hospitals during COVID to pay for PPE items."

There is however, one bright light. Sophomore company, Medical Protection Industries.

With more than forty years of business experience across several highly government regulated industries, MPI’s president, Louie Frias leads the very vocal charge.

“We've been banned from a few social media sites because of our calling out obvious frauds and scammers. It’s become comical. " he quips.
When the COVID lockdown hit, a need was discovered and MPI was born.

Its premier product was American made 3-ply, level 3 surgical masks along with N95 respirator masks, however, demand caused a radical and immediate product shift.

He continues, "We entered the sector with excitement and bright eyes, but had no idea how fraught with scammers and frauds this industry is. The barrier to entry is literally zero. It’s disgusting.”

Medical Protection Industries is focused on providing affordable, factory direct, stress-free delivery of top-tier Cranberry® and Cardinal® nitrile gloves used daily in the world’s healthcare industry. As a direct import agent, MPI provides such products at necessary discounted pricing through its relationship with this long established, well-known brand.

Their intelligent, performance-driven platform helps purchasing agents and healthcare systems augment the purchasing decision processes, predict budgetary outcomes, boost caregiver efficiency, prevent product acquisition breakdowns, and generate a vital new outlook on patient and provider safety.

Frias closes, "With another COVID variant looming, we invite those frustrated with existing supply chain issues to reach out to us, vet us, inquire of pricing and ordering processes, then decide for themselves."

Submitted by:Louie Frias
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