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Things to Start Doing If You Have Social Anxiety

Added: (Thu Dec 29 2022)

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Social anxiety is something that many people have to deal with, but it doesn't mean you have to be alone in your struggle. This guide will get you started on the road to overcoming social anxiety and making friends again!
Get to know yourself.
One of the best ways to overcome social anxiety is by getting to know yourself. Understanding your triggers and how you react to them will help you be prepared for social situations, and understanding who you are as a person will help identify why certain things make you feel uncomfortable.
Identify your triggers and develop a plan to deal with them.
Identify your triggers.
Develop a plan for coping with them.
Don't avoid social situations, but don't force yourself into them either. If you're at the mall, for example, and someone recognizes you from the grocery store where they work and approaches you to say hello or ask about your kids' daycare choices (or anything else), do what feels natural: smile and engage in conversation! However, if it's clear that this person is just trying to get your attention because they think we’re friends (and not because they actually like us), don’t engage further than saying “hi!” To avoid making any more awkward situations out of it by refusing all engagement after being acknowledged by someone who doesn't know how to interact appropriately with others—especially when we already feel anxious enough as it is—it's best just not respond at all until they leave us alone again."
Calm yourself down by focusing on your breathing.
When you’re anxious, your body tends to respond by tensing up. This can cause an immediate feeling of panic and make it hard for you to think clearly. The best way to calm yourself down is by focusing on your breathing.
Breathing is a way of relaxing the body and mind through rhythmical movement that brings oxygen into the blood stream. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through mouth as if you were taking a deep breath in through straw, then exhaling out slowly again like air being released from an hourglass (or soda bottle). Count in each cycle: inhale for 10 counts, hold for 2 counts (1-2), exhale for 8 counts (8-10), hold pause before starting next cycle
Don't avoid social situations, but don’t force yourself into them either.
When you have social anxiety, it’s important to remember that avoiding interactions with other people is not the answer. Avoidance can make your symptoms worse, and forceful behavior isn't helpful either. The best thing to do is to learn how to cope with anxiety so that you don't let it control your life in a negative way.
It's important for people suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD) or related disorders such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), as well as those who are just feeling anxious in general, not only because they want their lives back but also because there really isn't any reason why anyone should suffer through these feelings alone!
Try to see stressful situations as a chance for personal growth.
If you have social anxiety, it can be hard to think positively. It's easy to focus on the negative and what could go wrong, but try instead to see stressful situations as a chance for personal growth. For example:
What is the worst that can happen? Will I feel embarrassed if I screw up? (Yes.)
How will I respond if this happens? Will I get angry or even sadder than before? (I'm not sure.)
Can we think of another time when something similar happened before—and did our reaction then turn out okay in the end?
Give yourself permission to feel anxious.
Give yourself permission to feel anxious.
It's okay to be anxious and it doesn't mean that you're weak, incompetent or crazy. It just means that this is a normal part of life (and one worth having).
Don't try so hard to hide your anxiety by pretending it isn't there—people will see right through your attempts at pretense!
Be prepared and stay calm.
Prepare for the situation. The more you know about the people and environment you’re in, the better able you will be to cope with them. This includes things like knowing what to expect from your audience (for example, whether they will laugh at your joke or ignore it) and practicing how best to respond when something goes wrong (e.g., by staying calm even if someone makes a mistake).
Be prepared mentally before entering a situation where there is high anxiety: use lists of things that can make me feel calmer; practice relaxation techniques; don't overthink things too much; assume everyone isn't judging me (or even just one person); assume no one knows about my social anxiety
Take a break from social media or other things that may make you feel stressed.
You can also take a break from social media or other things that may make you feel stressed.
Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be stressful if you’re feeling anxious about going out in public or talking to new people. It can be comforting when there are posts from your friends showing them doing what they do best (or better than you), but sometimes it feels like everyone else has more fun than us!
If this sounds familiar, try turning off notifications so that only important updates reach your phone screen—and then put all of those other apps on hold until after lunchtime tomorrow. This will help reduce the amount of time spent looking at pictures of people having fun without being able to join in on the action yourself!
Don’t compare yourself to others!
You might have heard that it's a bad idea to compare yourself to others. This can be true, but it also doesn't mean you should stop doing so! Everyone has their own journey and their own path to success. It's easy to get caught up in what other people are doing and get discouraged if they don't accomplish everything you want them to do. But remember: everyone has different goals, so no one can say definitively whether or not your behavior is good or bad for your mental health.
So instead of comparing yourself with others (and getting discouraged), focus on creating new habits that will help build confidence within yourself!
For more visit - how to overcome social anxiety
Understanding your anxiety helps you better deal with it, so get to know yourself, recognize what makes you anxious, and build a plan for how to cope in those situations
Understanding your anxiety helps you to better deal with it, so get to know yourself, recognize what makes you anxious and build a plan for how to cope in those situations.
To begin, try not to avoid social situations but don't force yourself into them either. Give yourself permission to feel anxious and remember that everyone feels this way sometimes—even celebrities! When we compare ourselves with others' experiences or achievements, we often feel worse than they do because they have the ability to accept themselves as they are at any given time without comparison.
It's also important not only for me but also others who have social anxiety disorder (SAD) or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) because their symptoms are different from mine; however we all suffer from similar problems such as depression and low self esteem which could lead us down paths of self-injury until one day I finally realized that my best option was learning how my brain worked so I could make changes myself rather than relying on medication alone."
I’m sure this list of tips is overwhelming, but I hope it gave you some ideas for how to deal with your own social anxiety. Social anxiety is a real thing and it can really affect your life if left untreated. But it doesn’t have to be like that! If you take the time to learn about yourself and develop strategies for coping with social situations, then chances are good that things will get better over time.

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