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What To Expect During Your First Psychotherapy Session

Added: (Sun Apr 10 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - In the UK, one in four people experiences some kind of mental health issue. And one of the most used methods to help treat such problems is psychotherapy London. It’s a rather broad term that refers to helping people with mental illnesses by letting them talk to a psychiatrist.

It’s a challenge for many professionals and patients’ loved ones to get the affected person to talk about their struggles. And if you are the one who’ll undergo psychotherapy, you must be prepared — on different levels — for the starting session.

Attending your first talk therapy or psychotherapy Mayfair session? Here’s what you should expect.

Your psychologist will ask you questions to know you better. The first psychotherapy session is also called the intake session. It’s when your psychologist will professionally ask what prompted you to undergo talk therapy. They will ask you about your situation in life, your background, and if you’ve had previous experience undergoing therapy. It’s also an opportunity for them to know your goals for the therapy.

You will have the chance to raise your queries. You will also have the floor to raise any of your questions — whether it’s generic enquiries about psychotherapy or specific concerns about the session and the psychologist. To help you prepare, it’s important to take down some notes of the questions you’d like to ask.

You may be asked to fill out some forms. This administrative task helps facilitate a smooth and safe psychotherapy experience. The forms will typically include a simple mental health questionnaire, a consent document, and comprehensive confidentiality and patient rights information. They might also ask for your insurance and financial information. You will also be given documents indicating the name and licensing information of your psychologist as well as the clinic’s policies and pricing.

You and your psychologist will discuss the logistics of the treatment plan. In the first session, your psychologist will draw from your circumstances and lay down how your treatment plan will be. Discussing the logistics of the sessions will help you set your expectation and educate you about your and your psychologist’s roles.

Your Intake Session Is Important

During your first psychotherapy session, you can gauge if you’re comfortable with your psychologist. Having a good rapport with them can impact how well and effective the sessions will be.

You also have to watch out for some red flags. They and their staff should foremost be punctual and polite. Also, keep in mind that a good psychologist won’t judge your behaviour or make decisions for you. And if you have difficulty sharing a particular experience, they won’t push you to talk about it.

Book Your Psychotherapy London Sessions With A Trusted Name In This Field

A leading name in psychotherapy, OJK Therapy offers a safe space where anyone struggling with a mental health problem openly talks about what they’re going through. Their psychologist is known for helping many patients enjoy a better quality of life through psychotherapy sessions that are objective and non-judgmental in nature.

Want to learn more about their psychotherapy Mayfair service? Visit https://ojktherapy.co.uk/psychotherapy-london-and-mayfair. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to them at 07561620686 or oj@ojktheraphy.co.uk. OHK Therapy is located at 67 Grosvenor St, Mayfair, London W1K 3JN.

Submitted by:Psychotherapy Session
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