Home > International > 9 Tips From Experts On Properly Storing And Cleaning of Cow Leather Hides

9 Tips From Experts On Properly Storing And Cleaning of Cow Leather Hides

Added: (Tue May 11 2021)

Pressbox (Press Release) - cow hide is a natural material sourced from the skin of a cow. cow leather hides are versatile and can be used for many items like clothes, shoes, accessories, and home items It provides insulation exceptionally well and can be tanned in many different colours. If properly cared for, this incredibly strong leather can last you many years.

We’re giving you 9 tips from experts on the proper storage and cleaning of cow leather hides.

1. Do not fold

Cow leather hides should never be folded. Folding will cause creases and cracks in your leather and unfortunately, you cannot smooth them out with an iron. To avoid damaging your cow hide, roll them instead, place them inside a tube, or store them on a flat surface.

2. Keep away from direct light

The storage space for your cow leather hides should be away from intense sunlight or and direct artificial light. Protecting your cow hide from light will ensure that they don’t fade rapidly. Similar to human skin, leather can also dry when left under the sun.

3. Choose a cool, dry place

A damp storage space will put your cow hide at the risk of developing mold, which can sometimes be irreversible. You should keep your leather somewhere dry instead. This environment also prevents raw cow hide from developing a rotting smell.

4. Cover with care

Cover your cow leather hides when you store them to protect them from dust and other things that can settle on the surface. Do not store your leather inside plastic bags because it does not allow the material to breathe and can lead to mold that will damage the leather. Other breathable materials like cloth or paper are more suitable.

5. Set the humidity

A good way to protect your hides is to keep the humidity around 55%. If you can adjust the humidity in your storage area, keep it at this setting.

6. Keep them out of reach

Cow leather hides undergo a long process and it’s only wise that we respect the effort put into them by keeping them safe. If you have pets or small children, make sure they are kept out of reach.

7. Check them regularly

Make it a habit to check on your cow leather hides to see if they’re in good condition. Check for any mold, stains, or damage brought about by insects. The earlier you spot it, the better chances of being able to remedy the issue.

8. Wipe with soapy water

It’s normal to get dirt on leather once in a while. With easy stains, just wipe the leather with a sponge or a rag soaked in warm water with soap.

9. Use a steamer

You can also use a steamer to clean your cow leather hide, just be sure not to use an excess amount of water.

Pinchmill Leathers Limited is a wholesaler of genuine leather that can be used in a number of ways. We have over a dozen types of leather that come in an array of vibrant and luxurious colours. Our leather is suitable for garments, accessories, footwear, and home items. Our offices are located in Northamptonshire, but you can call us at 01933 309011 or send an email to pinchmillleathers@btconnect.com, and we will get in touch with you.

Submitted by:Cow Leather
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